Note From Owner
Dear Francis + Fern Girlies,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a memorable and magical Holiday season! Even though 2024 is a year I will always remember and treasure, I am looking forward to an amazing year here at Francis + Fern, and I'm so excited for what 2025 holds for this small business! From new product lines, to holding more community events in our basement event space to just reconnecting with all our loyal customers (and of course meeting new ones), I know I speak for everyone here when we say, 2025 we're coming for you in a big way!
As always, thank you to everyone who has supported and continues to support this dream of mine! I am so lucky I get to be part of something so special, and that I get to share all this with Birdie! So many of you play such an important part of what we have built here at F+F! A space of positivity, girl power and inclusiveness, all things we consider to be the heart of our small business, and all things that will teach Birdie to be the best version of Birdie! I am always and forever grateful to all of you for making F+F what it is today!
Much love always,
Kim Pauszek, Owner